Sunday, September 22, 2024

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'U' athletics over academics wrong

This letter is in response to James Bounds' letter "Athletics not cause for funds decrease" (SN 7/21), which was a reply to my original letter "Academics should get priority at 'U'" (SN 7/17).

Apparently Bounds missed my point. I am not complaining about MSU athletics or the way they are run. In fact, I included a paragraph specifying just that.

The complaint I originally had, and still have, is that the general concern of more and more people is for our athletic facilities and programs rather than our academic ones, funding and finances aside.

The problem isn't money for or from athletics, but the problem is the attitude of what really is important to have here at MSU.

There are many universities that are highly selective without big-budget nationally known athletic programs, and their degrees are highly recognized. Personally, I would rather have a potential employer recognize my degree as coming from a school with strong academic programs and research facilities than having it recognized as coming from a school with a lot of good sports teams and stadiums.

How would you like MSU to be able to advertise to prospective students?

Jim Howard
human biology junior


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