Sunday, September 22, 2024

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Wild west

Student brandishing sword from duffel bag at campus athletic facility ridiculous, dangerous

Playing basketball at IM Sports-West is becoming a cutthroat activity. Last week MSU police arrested an MSU student for drawing a 34-inch sword during a dispute at the campus athletic facility.

The argument was among the student and two other people over the ownership of a basketball. Not only is this a ridiculous debate, but there was absolutely no reason for the student to draw a deadly weapon, or even to have it in his possession.

The university should consider staffing the building with at least a small security force to prevent students, faculty and staff members from following suit.

Instead of losing a basketball, engineering arts senior Giaphong Hoang is looking at losing up to $1,000 and four years of his life in prison on the charge of possessing the 22-inch blade.

Hoang carried the sword into the athletic facility in his duffel bag. If there was a metal detector or someone to search the bag at the entrance, the student would not have made it into the building.

This also could prevent things such as the rash of thefts IM facilities had last semester.

If anyone wondered how MSU ranked No. 1 in weapons violations in a report from the The Chronicle of Higher Education's last month, there should be no doubt anymore.

But not only is the IM building no place for a weapon, neither is MSU's campus. Crime at the university is very low. There's no reason to commit any crime, whether it be stealing a basketball, or brandishing a sword.

The worst part, however, is if one student is caught with a weapon in a campus building, there could be countless others slipping through the cracks.

There is almost no surprise this incident occurred at IM West rather IM East. It seems like there hardly ever is a staff member at IM West checking in students at either of the buildings main entrances. At least east has someone constantly checking people in, though both buildings rarely, if ever, check bags.

Some people might think more lightly of the situation because the man drew a sword. It seems like carrying a sword is something far removed from this day and age.

Even though people could have been more alarmed had the student drawn a handgun, the two are both deadly weapons.

This student, if convicted, should be punished to the full extent of the law.

He also should face repercussions from MSU, up to and including expulsion. The university should step up and make a statement: MSU's campus is no place for a deadly weapon, especially a sword.


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