Sunday, September 22, 2024

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Unobjective column negative to males

And the "Blah, blah, blah" award goes to - Natalie Burg. Do you realize how ignorant you make the female gender seem like? ("Women need to stop competing, start getting along better," SN 6/19).

Look objectively at what you wrote - "My response is always that I've never actually seen a woman who holds her silverware like a caveman. Nor do I know any who methodically eat all of their fries before touching her burger. And I really can't feel responsible for not knowing the intricate details of peeing standing up. I can honestly swear I have witnessed these traits in the males I've come to know."

The key word here is "I." You live in a very, very small world. With an "I"like yours, it's a no wonder you can't see. Your jealousy is noted and with a little operation you could be peeing "standing up" in no time.

The real issue here is your feelings of women being better than men and women should unite and fight together to remove man's role of dominance. Be careful what you wish for.

I wonder how many women would show the imagination, drive and ambition it took to create this push-button world. How many would put their lives on the line to create and defend the earth's most powerful country on earth. If men can't enjoy some reward for their efforts, then they'll give no effort. But I'm sure you thought of that.

Enjoy the benefits life and men's dreams have given you and without the desire for wanting everything, for too soon the face of this world could change - and not toward your benefit.

Jim Bradley
East Lansing resident


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