Sunday, September 22, 2024

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Rioters must help themselves first

I am from Berrien County, and I have to say I am completely ashamed of the behavior displayed there last week.

The rioting is ridiculous. What better way to show frustration than to set your own economically depressed town on fire and hurt the city even more? After making national news all of last week for rioting and racial tensions, who will want to invest in the area - especially when right across the river is a "nicer" town?

I realize there were other factors involved in the riots, but the man (Terrance Shurn) could have stayed alive if he had simply pulled over, rather than racing through the streets and killing himself when he lost control of his bike.

This man was not completely innocent, he was driving on a suspended license, he chose not to pull over and he was carrying drugs. Police will chase any person who refuses to pull over - this was not a special case.

Was it possible he was not scared of being harassed, or rather they would find drugs on him and send him to jail? What about the man endangering people standing by? How many times have people tried to outrun the police, lost control and killed someone else? But of course, none of this was his fault.

Benton Harbor has a great amount of racial tensions and businesses tend not to hire residents.

It is a genuinely depressed community. However, "not having anything to do" is not an excuse for alcohol and substance abuse ("City reacts to turmoil," SN 6/23). Give something to the community - it certainly needs enough.

Benton Harbor does need help, but most, not all, of the people there need to help themselves first.

Nikkia Mittan
2003 MSU graduate


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