Sunday, September 22, 2024

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Right direction

New Hampshire diocese electing openly gay bishop opens doors for today's church, society

Members of the Episcopal Church took a large step late last week. The Diocese of New Hampshire elected the Rev. Canon V. Gene Robinson as a bishop, The New York Times reported Saturday. Robinson is the first openly gay bishop anywhere in the Anglican Communion, a worldwide association of churches that trace their roots to the Church of England, The New York Times reported.

Even though some say the Bible prohibits homosexuality, Robinson's election is good for the Episcopalian community and Christians everywhere.

The Times reports Robinson was elected among four candidates after serving 16 years under the current bishop.

Both clergy members and laypeople voted in the election at St. Pauls; 58 of 77 clergy members voted for Robinson, as did 96 of 165 of laypeople.

These 154 people have done a good service to their denominations. Robinson should be praised for his courage in being true to himself, both in his faith and his lifestyle. Though surely he will face hardships along his road.

The Times report goes on to say Robinson cannot be ordained as bishop until he is approved by other bishops and diocesan representatives at the General Convention, beginning July 28 in Minneapolis. According to the Times article, the Episcopal Church has been undecided in its stance on homosexuality.

But whether Robinson is ordained as bishop or not, it's good the issue is coming to the forefront of the religious community. Members of a church should be able to elect as their leader whoever they like, especially if that leader is the best choice for the position - even if that leader is a social minority not generally accepted in the community.

Events such as Robinson's election are how barriers get broken. Let's not forget 100 years ago, people didn't think women should be able to vote.

Fifty years ago, people thought blacks and whites should have separate drinking fountains, schools and churches, because one race was supposed to be better than the other.

In this day-and-age, we know better. Maybe this election is another turning point in history.

Whether homosexuality should be considered a sin in the eyes of the church is for the church to decide. But resolutions are brought about through healthy debate, and healthy debate is brought about through controversial choices.

We support Robinson in his ordainment campaign, with the hope that any person can do anything he or she chooses to do in life and be accepted in his or her respective community.


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