Sunday, September 22, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!

Quad construction a nuisance, ugly

Could anyone tell us what is going on in the quad surrounded by the Biomedical and Physical Sciences and Chemistry buildings? The administration? The State News? Just point us to a Web site, anything.

The quad used to be at least usable as a nice, grassy, open space. Someone decided to cover it with concrete, brick and steel, making a plaza that appears more structural than artistic, but provides no shade or even benches to sit on. It seems to serve no purpose.

The dirt between the concrete and the surrounding ground has been left untouched since the construction workers left in fall, completely not landscaped and now covered with weeds.

Please tell me they're not finished and this is what's left. Are they planning on completing construction soon?

It'd be nice to enjoy the open space outside the Biomedical and Physical Sciences Building sometime this summer since it was completely closed off last summer. It won't do anyone any good if they finish a day before the first snow of the year.

Seems to me they could have planted a few trees and set a few benches outside - we all would've been pleased.

Steven Waldauer
physics graduate student


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