Sunday, September 22, 2024

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Policy blunders

Riot policy goes too far to persecute students for off-campus actions, universities have limits

MSU has been quite the trend-setter. The University of Minnesota adopted a riot policy last week following the violent melee that erupted April 12-13 on the Twin Cities' campus when its hockey team won the national championship. MSU implemented a similar policy in 2000.

Much like MSU, the policy allows University of Minnesota officials to punish any student caught either inciting or taking part in a riot off campus related to a university-sponsored event. University officials should focus on educating students about the consequences of partaking in a violent act that stems from a sporting event.

While Minnesota's new policy is a step in the right direction to avoid violent riots, the boundaries defined by the new policy surpass the area of jurisdiction held by the university.

It's understandable that a University of Minnesota student should be punished for rioting on their campus, but it's unclear as to why they should be punished by the school if they riot off campus. A university should not try to control the behavior of its students after they leave its campus. In addition, the school is overstepping the boundaries of its host city.

Riot policies should adopt a separation of school and city. It has good intentions and was designed to incite fear of punishment in the minds of students for participating in foolish acts that could bring destruction and embarrassment to the university, such as riots.

Students rioting about insignificant issues, such as the outcome of a sporting event, helps to destroy the relationship between the university and its surrounding community. Students should be respectful of the people who live in these areas.

The policy will provide a means of punishment for those students who stupidly participate in riot-like activities. The University of Minnesota's policy, like MSU's, is only helpful if students realize rioting will solve nothing.


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