Sunday, September 22, 2024

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Dealers done

Keeping policy of selling animals to universities from shelter for research important to all

The Ingham County Board of Commissioners took a step in the right direction by continuing to allow the sale of shelter animals for research.

But along with that came a vote which had a final decision saying Class B dealers can no longer purchase the animals, and now only MSU, University of Michigan and Wayne State University will be allowed to buy the animals for research purposes.

It's good the board didn't completely eliminate selling of cats and dogs for research purposes, but eliminating the Class B dealers isn't necessarily the perfect solution to this issue.

Selling to Class B dealers benefited the shelters and prevented overcrowding. If these universities aren't active in purchasing a lot of these animals, more are going to sit in the shelter and eventually be euthanized.

But having the animals uselessly put to sleep rather then actually serving a purpose is apparently what some people wanted.

And those who think all the animals can be adopted are simply foolish. There are too many, and the bottom line is there is not enough room for all these animals in the pound.

It shouldn't have to be the responsibility of the shelters to find places for all these animals, and unfortunately they are taking way too much of the blame for this mess.

It's the irresponsibility of pet owners that causes the increasing pet population, leaving unwanted pets to either be sold for research or to be put to sleep.

If owners were accountable of their pets and kept them on a leash or listened to Bob Barker's advice and got them spade or neutered, maybe we wouldn't have such an uncontrollable pet population, and this would all be a stagnant issue.

If people want to stop the selling of these animals, then they need to make sure ever pet owner takes responsibility for their pets and takes care of them.

But assuming the pet population can be controlled at this point is about as crazy as thinking all the pets can be adopted. It could happen one day, but until then, the animals will continue to be sold for research.

Don't worry, it isn't so bad. Research done on one of those animals could find a cure for cancer, a solution for diabetes or heart disease and other medical treatments that just might save your life or a loved ones one day, or even your pet's.


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