Sunday, September 22, 2024

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ASMSU harmful, unfair, embarrassing

While I do have to admit that ASMSU has done some good for the undergraduate student population, I also believe they've caused just as much harm.

So I think Shaun Phillips either is either new to campus or is choosing to forget the harm in his letter ("ASMSU students anything but lazy," SN 5/28).

Phillips seems to forget (or doesn't know of) the infamous embezzling of our tax dollars so that a couple of the esteemed leaders could take an MSU van to an election party for Gov. Jennifer Granholm when she ran for attorney general. And what as their penalty? A slap on the wrist and a promise that they would eventually pay it back.

Also, who can forget the couple of thousand dollars spent on green leather sofas for the office so that it would be a much more "comfortable environment" for when us non-ASMSU types visited?

Come now, who did it really benefit?

ASMSU also fed the flames that spawned the Munn field riot in 1998.

In case some of you don't know, ASMSU claimed they were never consulted about the alcohol ban the university administration imposed and continuously harped on that fact after the decision was made.

However, as reported in The State News the following November, there were actually ASMSU representatives present at those discussions and they voted for the ban! Funny how quickly that got swept under the table.

I've also known people on the organization's Funding Board who told me it's completely arbitrary as to who receives money and how much they get.

In addition to that, most of the people going before that board were friends with the board and some of that money given went for foosball tables in Holden Hall that haven't seen the light of day since they were bought. I helped move them in back in 1998.

Is that fair and honest?

I also find it disconcerting that ASMSU thinks it must pay their people more than the other hardworking students on campus.

I've always thought the point of government was to serve the people, not be in it for the money? Looks like they're taking too many lessons from the Republicans.

So yes while ASMSU may have pulled some things out that benefits a few students, they've also done just as much to embarrass themselves and create the mistrust that is prevalent throughout the campus.

Andrew Yoder
2001 MSU graduate


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