Sunday, September 22, 2024

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Anti-parenting kit

Free drug tests are easy way out for irresponsible parents who should talk to children first

The Lansing Police Department has started giving out free drug test kits to parents. But why stop there? They could hand out metal detectors as well.

Parents would no longer have to talk to their child. Instead, they can just test their children for everything and avoid real parenting.

It would be ridiculous if a parent was to go through with the testing before talking to their child. This is a complete invasion of privacy for the child, seriously rendering the emotional and trust relationship between children and their parents.

Free drug tests are a good idea if they are in the right hands. Just because they are free doesn't mean every parent needs to run downtown to the station and pick up a kit.

It should be made available for financially needy parents who highly suspect their child, but can't afford the test.

But if all parents start testing their children for every thing, their relationships are going to break down. They should be able to sit down with their kids and talk to them before testing them, and it wouldn't have to be used.

By the time children reach high school, they should have been taught proper morals by their parents. Furthermore, high-school age children should be comfortable and capable of making their own decisions about drug use and alcohol.

But if parents chose to test their child instead of talking to them, its obvious they don't have a good relationship to begin with. If you couldn't talk to them before, don't expect to be able to talk after you test them.

It's something that needs to be used wisely and only when absolutely necessary - not because its free.

The police department should be commended for making the tests available.

But all this time and effort by the department and community could be better spent on the more important process of preventing, not reacting.


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