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Treadwell column neglected facts

Am I the only one who sees the blatant hypocrisy in Matt Treadwell's columns/tirades? He claims that he is proud to be a Roman Catholic, yet he hangs his head in shame when mentioning his American nationality ("Church learns from mistakes, country continues to make same ones" SN 4/2).

The treatment of Native Americans, African slavery and other past American deeds are the cause of his shame. The Catholic church, he claims, has righted previous wrongs and should be forgiven.

As a Catholic and history graduate, it is obvious Treadwell is ignorant of the Catholic church's recent history. Old issues, including anti-Semitism, child molesting, discrimination and war responsibility, still haunt the church. The church's historical problems are far from over.

Maybe these issues don't reach up to Treadwell's house in East Lansing, but they are very relevant to the Catholic church.

Andrew Gambino
East Lansing resident


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