Sunday, September 22, 2024

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Teams shouldn't get punishment

This is in response to Omar Ahmad's letter to the editor concerning the banning of any NCAA sports teams from postseason play if their school is involved in a "riot" ("Teams should incur punishment for riots" SN 4/4).

I've heard a lot of less than good ideas thrown around in the opinion sections, but this has to be one of the worst yet. You plain and simple cannot punish a team whose fans decided to be stupid after a big win or loss. They have nothing to do with how the fans respond, and to punish them would be completely unfair, especially because about 90 percent of those involved would see no repercussions for their actions.

That would render the team's next season worthless, and the fight to win an NCAA championship even more worthless, and is too ludicrous to even spend time thinking about.

Brian LeFevre
journalism senior


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