Sunday, September 22, 2024

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Surprise me more

Pennsylvania budget idea far-fetched, but Michigan could learn from state's creativity

As far-fetched as it might be for Pennsylvania lawmakers to ask citizens for more money during tax season, at least the cash-strapped state Legislature is willing to "think outside the box."

Pennsylvania state Rep. Jeff Coleman introduced a bill last month to establish a "Tax Me More" fund which relies on donations from taxpayers. The bill was created to challenge Gov. Ed Rendell's budget plan, which included raising state income tax by 34 percent, tripling the beer tax and lowering property tax.

Within the past year, "Tax Me More" proposals have also surfaced in states such as Kansas, Alaska and Oregon. Coleman modeled his bill after a fund created by Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee in November 2001. The fund, which was intended to offset $142 million in budget cuts, has taken in $2,000 to $3,000 to date.

As evidenced in these figures, "Tax Me More" might not be the quick fix needed for a wounded budget. Frankly, it's shocking Arkansas was able to pry thousands of dollars from tax-distressed families.

But the point is, these states are trying something new and innovative aside from the usual tax-and-spend routine. Coleman said, "The public is not going to swallow a massive tax, bond and spend package," but that's exactly what Michigan is asking us to do.

In her inaugural State of the State address, Gov. Jennifer Granholm invited Michiganians to share their ideas on balancing the budget directly with her at monthly office hours. She also took her show on the road to talk directly with constituents in February. But when crunch time arrives, the only solution our financially challenged state offers is cuts, cuts and more cuts.

Michigan legislators should take a cue from the other cash-strapped states and exercise a little bit of creativity in their job. Operating in the typical fashion is what put our budget in the turmoil it's in now, so trying something new is a win-win situation.


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