Sunday, September 22, 2024

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SN questions insult McPherson issue

"Should McPherson leave to help rebuild Iraq?" What kind of pointless question is that?

Does it matter what a few hundred students think about that question ("'U' reacts to McPherson's move" SN 4/18)? Why don't you ask a question more like "Should McPherson receive his MSU salary while in Iraq?" or "Will McPherson's absence hurt MSU's fund-raising schedule?"

I understand The State News is supposed to be a learning experience for its student employees, thus, it, as any newspaper, is allowed to make certain mistakes.

Sometimes when I read our newspaper, however, I am embarrassed by the sophomoric bickering that dominates the opinion section or the ridiculous poll questions I find on your Web site. You have an important role in representing MSU and journalistic integrity - it would be nice to see you take it seriously on a more consistent basis.

Mike Weber
physiology junior


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