Sunday, September 22, 2024

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Rioters didn't learn from 1999

I am ashamed of and appalled by the actions of a select few MSU students for their post-game "celebrations" on both Friday and Sunday nights. As a recent graduate of MSU, I also was able to witness the disgusting acts of destruction and disrespect that occurred in 1999 after the basketball team lost to Duke.

Why is it in today's society that college students feel the need to destroy and disrespect as a way to show their "appreciation" for the successes of their sports teams?

When did it ever become acceptable to develop the herd mentality that comes along with this "celebrating?" Do the people who participate not have minds of their own?

It is amazing to me, in the aftermath of the riots that occurred in 1999, students would be willing to stupidly jeopardize their academic future at MSU by participating in these riotous acts. I am all for prosecuting and removing those from the university if convicted. They participated in giving MSU a bad name.

Shame on you, MSU.

Dan Cole
2002 graduate


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