Sunday, September 22, 2024

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Reputation marred by Sunday's fracas

Sunday's so-called "riots" were a slap in the face of the MSU and East Lansing communities. I am very proud of our showing this tournament and I definitely feel we got hosed on more than our share of calls by the refs.

But seriously, it was just the Elite Eight. Now a bunch of my fellow Spartans have marred the student body's reputation among its community once again.

In the past few years, and as a direct result of the riots that happened four years ago, our city has progressively taken a more aggressive stance against the student body. Why provoke the city further?

As a freshman, and maybe even a sophomore, one might not feel a strong bond with the E.L. community. However, I ask my fellow Spartans to foster a stronger relationship with our community rather than send it up in flames like garbage in Cedar Village.

This is the city in which you will live for four or more years, so make yourself a part of it. Show a little maturity and actively step into your roles as responsible members of our East Lansing and greater Spartan community. Sparty on, and quiet the riots.

Hiram Becker
international relations and German senior


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