Sunday, September 22, 2024

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Religious freedom

Completion of Shiite Muslim pilgrimage is proof of liberation produced by Iraqi war

When the United States went to war with Iraq, it set out to liberate the Iraqi people from oppression. Along with that, it had a responsibility to prevent further religious persecution.

And that's exactly what the United States is doing.

Thousands of Shiite Muslims embarked on a religious pilgrimage Tuesday that had been forbidden for decades under Saddam Hussein.

The Iraqi people are reaping the benefits of what the United States went to war to accomplish. This, in a sense, justifies it.

Not only did the United States liberate a people, but also individual religious groups. And that's one of the principles our country was founded on - to prevent religious persecution. The small, secular groups that were being persecuted for so long under Saddam can come out of their corners and feel free to pursue their religious beliefs. Americans returned things back to the way it used to be for the Iraqi people.

And France, in a surprise move, proposed suspending U.N. sanctions targeting Iraqi civilians. France is starting to support what the United States has wanted for a long time - financial aid to lift further oppression.

Are the United States and France finally agreeing on something? Does this mean "freedom fries" can now go back to French fries and Pepé Le Pew will be back on the air? Hopefully this is the beginning of re-establishing our international relations.

Rebuilding efforts have to have help from other countries as well, not just the United States. It has to be a global effort to help these people. The reconstruction is going to be fragile because there are so many different types of religions. We hope this is the first step in which many marginalized groups can come out of the woodwork and return peacefully to society.

This is a big change for the Shiite Muslims from 12 years ago when they attempted to rise up, but tens of thousands were killed. Now, not only is their country being rebuilt but their religion as well.


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