Sunday, September 22, 2024

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Protesters don't support Saddam

This is in response to "Protesters were wrong on Iraq; now it's time to help out" (SN 4/14).

I am one of the "anti-war agitators," but I never said things such as "Saddam Hussein should remain in power," "Hussein's crimes were illusory" or "We won't be welcomed into Baghdad." I have never said Saddam is a good man or a good leader, and I would never protest to keep him in power.

Instead, I was questioning Bush's motives for going to war. I was asking questions such as "Why now?" "Why this country when there are so many other's that break U.N. sanctions?" "Why does the United States have to go against the United Nations?" Most importantly, I was asking the question, "Is there any other alternative to war?"

Bush told the public we needed to fight Iraq because we believed Saddam was breaking U.N. sanctions and because Iraq was somehow linked to terrorism and, therefore, a large threat to the United States.

So, where are all these weapons of mass destruction? Why hasn't Iraq used its connection to terrorism to try to attack us?

We've gone in and ruined their cities and killed innocent people. On top of that, we as citizens are going to pay for it.

Yes, we will be paying for the government's mess because it will be our taxes that pay off this war and the repairs that come after it.

Furthermore, I will not stop protesting. It is my right and just because the war happened does not make it right or change my mind about it.

Emily Geib
human biology sophomore


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