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Prestigious awards bestowed on 'U'

That two MSU third-year students, Jared English and Megan Dennis, were recently selected as Truman and Goldwater scholars, respectively, is a remarkable achievement. The amount of the scholarship received by each student, while substantial, is hardly the most significant aspect of these awards, however. There are approximately 1.5 million third-year students at universities in the United States this year. Only about 75 of those students became Truman scholars and only 300 Goldwater scholars.

Based on his strong academic record and exceptional public service involvement and accomplishment, English was judged one of the top 75 juniors nationally planning public service careers. English is the 13th MSU student to become a Truman Scholar and the only student from a Big Ten university to be named a Truman Scholar this year.

Dennis has a superb academic record and an exceptional amount of research experience and accomplishment in microbiology and molecular genetics. Thus, she was judged one of the 300 juniors nationally with the greatest potential for a successful future as a research scientist. Dennis is the 11th MSU student to receive a Goldwater scholarship, the third year in a row an MSU student has been so recognized.

The Truman and Goldwater scholarships recognize both the tremendous individual accomplishments and potential of Dennis and English, as well as the contributions of many MSU faculty toward their growth and development. MSU is one of only 36 universities nationwide whose students received both awards this year. This type of recognition certainly deserves notice as it reflects very positively on MSU and all of our students and faculty.

Ronald Fisher
Honors College director and economics professor


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