Sunday, September 22, 2024

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Police presence didn't cause riot

It is quite surprising to me that the editorial staff of The State News and other MSU students have forgotten the meaning of free will. Well, guess what? You have it.

Excessive presence of police officers does not mean that you have to start fires, throw bottles and flip over cars. To me, and I think anyone else with at least a fraction of an ounce of common sense, it says "stay away" or "go home." By suggesting that police presence before and during Sunday's game forced students to "riot" is ludicrous.

Furthermore, having tear gas dispersed does not mean students must "vent their frustrations" on campus. It means "go home." I don't understand how people that don't realize this even manage to put their pants on right in the morning.

Bottom line, the MSU and East Lansing communities should be commending the East Lansing and MSU police forces for the excellent job they did Sunday night. Students need to stop placing the blame for Sunday's "riot" on police and start placing it on themselves. Those students who participated or were even there "observing" should be ashamed they disrespected MSU and East Lansing in such a destructive way.

And by the way, it was the Elite Eight. I mean, good lord. Grow up, "rioting" student of MSU, and when you do, you'll realize how stupid you've been.

Kate Cenci
chemistry senior


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