Sunday, September 22, 2024

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Police focus wasn't protecting students

The MSU win Friday sparked a peaceful celebration which provoked police to arrest several people for things as minor as the following: one young man with an open can of beer who debated with officers about pouring it out, a student who questioned officers why they were arresting his friend and a gentleman who was merely tackling his roommate in celebration of victory.

On Sunday evening, the instances that occurred truly proved "two wrongs don't make a right." Although unruly students might have been destructive, the police reaction was completely out of control. Being an innocent observer of the situation, I'm furious I was forced to inhale the fumes that engulfed the area because law enforcement officials felt compelled to bombard students with more than 100 canisters of tear gas.

This was completely absurd. The things some would love to label as a riot began as newspapers burning and bottles being broken which sparked the initial shooting of gas canisters at students. Sunday, officers faced their last opportunity to attack students and misuse their power and they knew this as they paraded their numerous police vehicles and horses around merely infuriating students rather than creating a sense of security.

I feel disappointed in the few bad apples who have destroyed the bunch, the police force's reaction to them and the university's stance to extensively prosecute those who've been wrongfully accused rather than defend and protect innocent students who were abused.

Matthew J. Bottorff
marketing senior


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