Sunday, September 22, 2024

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Overdue safety

City, county officials should not wait for another needless death to improve safety

Officials in charge of the safety hazards plaguing the Northern Tier community should quickly finish up planned construction and put students' fears to rest.

After nearly five years of existence, the Northern Tier is only now constructing new sidewalks and installing lights that should have been in place when the community first opened. Still, it seems the only things under construction in the community are apartment complexes.

It's upsetting that after all this time and the death of an MSU student six months ago, officials are just now taking action. In February, officials began installing street lights four months after a car-pedestrian accident left one student dead and another seriously injured. Five weeks ago, the speed limit was reduced from 55 to 45 mph.

The extension of sidewalks is already being planned for construction. The sidewalks will complement Coleman and Chandler roads as well as Coolidge and State roads. The project will extend approximately 2,000 feet past Melrose Apartments to the Family Aquatic Center, 6400 Abbott Road, and completion is expected by early summer. Construction of crosswalks also will occur.

It's good to see officials have made good starts toward making the Northern Tier a safe place for Spartans to reside, but many more steps need to take place before completion. Another death shouldn't have to happen in order for officials to speed up the construction of simple safety measures that should have been in place when the community first opened.

Residents shouldn't have to sacrifice their safety and be afraid to cross the street or go out on a late-night run because basic safety measures weren't put near their residences.

Officials have said they are planning to improve such safety essentials but have held off because of bad weather. Last time we checked, the weather has been pretty nice for construction the past four summers.


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