Sunday, September 22, 2024

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Officials shouldn't dole out rewards

First, I must say I am appalled at the students involved in the riots and their actions. But I am even more appalled our university is not doing things to boost our reputation. I'm also concerned about the $2,500 that has been publicized as reward money to students who give names of people who were involved in the riots.

I am wondering where that money will come from. Will it come from money that would otherwise be used for educational purposes and instead is being taken away from the university completely?

I'm also concerned the university public relations staff is not emphasizing the fact that those involved in the riot numbered approximately 2,000 and this university is home to more than 40,000 students, so most were not involved in the riots. It seems as if the university is willing to say those 2,000 represent the rest of the university when clearly this is not the case.

Ann Thompson
social relations sophomore


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