Sunday, September 22, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!

Not all students acted negatively

As I prepared for the basketball game to start at my friend's apartment in Cedar Village, I was astonished to see over 20 police cars driving through the complex. I knew because of their presence students would feel provoked to rush into the streets, regardless of our performance in the game.

Residents of the complex stood on their balconies shouting as the police drove by and chanted. Their presence caused students to rush into the streets.

President M. Peter McPherson said our actions were "outrageous." However, most students parading in the streets of Cedar Village were acting in a positive manner. Of course there were incidents caused around campus that were not called for, but the people involved are an extremely small percentage of the MSU population.

What actually happens on campus and what the media portrays are two extremely different things. Images of fire, tipped cars and tear gas are lasting pictures, while the positive chanting and celebrating in the streets will be overlooked.

East Lansing Mayor Mark Meadows said: "Most students were not involved in this."

Abbie Letvin
communication and public relations senior


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