Sunday, September 22, 2024

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Melee tarnishes 'U' reputation

Why did I know that after Texas beat Tom Izzo's Spartans the students at MSU would find the loss to be yet another excuse to riot? Why - what have you accomplished?

A seventh-ranked team not even in the final top 25 before the tournament makes it to the Elite Eight by beating last year's NCAA champion and almost beats one of the top four teams in the country - now that's an accomplishment.

But people won't remember that. They'll remember that MSU students rioted - again. How sad to take away everything the Spartan basketball team has done this year. I'm sure the student-athletes will thank you for overshadowing the tremendous year they had.

To Izzo, his staff and especially the players, thank you for a wonderful season. You played like the champions you are and the champions you will continue to be. Thank you for showing dignity when you won but, more importantly, when you lost.

Thank you for being role models as students and as athletes. You've shown the class and character deserving of being called MSU Spartans.

Craig Carlen
2001 graduate


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