Sunday, September 22, 2024

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Letters will not change opinions

Every day before class, I read all the letters in The State News regarding our current war with Iraq, and I have come to a concrete decision: I am anti-war.

Actually, on second thought, maybe I am pro-war.

Or perhaps I am confused why you have to be either.

I can't figure out if anybody else out there feels the same way I do, or if the people that do just don't bother to voice their opinions. I read people's arguments about various aspects of the war every day. Whether it be general ideology, protests or patriotism, everyone has their opinions and most of them take no consideration of other arguments or information that don't fit into their particular viewpoint.

Everybody likes to wrap things up into neat little packages that imply the world, all the while never actually trying to learn or gain a better understanding of the entire situation. Everyone's arguments are so completely biased, I don't know what to believe.

There are 20 years of crummy politics involved here, not to mention all the things that have happened in the last couple of years. If you really want to support whatever cause you believe in, educate yourself.

In response to "Protests don't seem in support of troops" (SN 3/27), the war is on, but there are not only two sides. I'm pro-America, anti-Bush, anti-Saddam and pro-Iraq. So? I might be uncertain as to the ultimate solution to this mess, but at least I can say what I do believe in based on what I have learned, not the bandwagon that I jumped on.

Nick Barbu
political science junior


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