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Letter writer missed column's intention

I am writing in response to Nate Engle's letter regarding Rishi Kundi's column (" Cheap shot at Grand Rapids uncalled for" SN 4/23). I think Engle missed the intent of Kundi's column this week. I have read Kundi's columns consistently over the past four years, and I have treasured many as nice breaks from an otherwise routine day of classes.

Columns about war and terrorism and other controversies get old after a while, and I have always looked forward to Kundi's column as a break from controversy. He has a knack for turning an ordinary Friday night at MSU or some otherwise mundane activity into a hilarious column. And that is all that he was doing with his column this week - making a joke. I'm sure his intent wasn't to offend but to try to have some fun.

Regardless of what Engle thinks, I will miss Rishi's columns and The State News Opinion Page won't be the same without him. I hope The State News can find someone to replace him that is able to step away from the serious once in a while and write about the funny side of life.

Megan Bracket
journalism and political science senior


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