Sunday, September 22, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!

Graduates do not represent 'voice'

"Get it together children," "You should be ashamed," "Grow up," "You're embarrassing us." Wow, I guess flipping to the Your Voice section in The State News really does get more interesting everyday.

Except wait, that isn't our voice - these are comments printed and signed by our very own 1998 and 1999 local alumni ("Perception of 'U' goes down with riot" and "All students hurt by campus disturbance" SN 4/14).

Are these people serious? They graduate five years ago, mill around East Lansing for a year or two and finally find a job at the local Blockbuster. What do our esteemed elders get to do for fun now? Waggle their fingers at us.

Funny thing is, you're not fooling anyone guys. These are the same love-handled girls and balding guys who "love thy shadows," come to feed the ducks and look wistfully at us - what they used to be.

And what did they use to be? Can you say riots of '99? Trust me guys, the asinine events of our Elite Eight meltdown are nothing compared to those of 1999.

So get condescending if you must. Come over to shake your heads at the fun we have at B-Dubs and Rick's, but the fact is you're 27 and still writing to your old student newspaper. Let's have some self-realization here kids - pick up The New York Times with your next edition of Bridal Magazine.

Oh yeah, and to The State News: Make up your mind on this "Your Voice" thing. Is this newspaper for us or not? If you decide the answer is yes, then know the students of this great green love machine have decided we are over the riots, done with alumni and ready for next Friday's good, clean fun.

Gary Herbert
international relations sophomore


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