Sunday, September 22, 2024

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Current events warrant letter

I have never written to the editor, but I have a few things I would like to get off my chest.

First, about the war. The right to protest is awesome; I am so happy I live in a country where I can do that without fear of persecution. I will not lie: I am behind our government on this one. To everyone who has taken a stance against the war in protest, I hope you all voted. If you did not choose to exercise your right to vote, shut up, register and make sure you vote next time.

Secondly, about tuition. I am one semester away from graduation (I have been here for a long time). Finding out tuition is going to cost even more - what a bummer.

But really people, when it comes to primary education, medicine for senior citizens or feeding the hungry, do you really think your education is more important? I am sure there are some things the government could do to give universities more money, but cuts need to be made. Secondary education is a privilege. If you want a cheap (but good) education, try Canada. They are developing some great programs for U.S. citizens to make education affordable.

Lastly, the riot. To anyone who did participate: Grow up.

Karin Fry
park, recreation and tourism resources senior


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