Sunday, September 22, 2024

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Columnist should declare 'victory'

In his recent column, Jason C. Miller would like to announce his victory in the ongoing pro-war/anti-war debate ("Protesters were wrong on Iraq; now it's time to help out" SN 4/14). I can picture him writing the column while pumping his fist in the air and occasionally exclaiming, "Boo-ya!" Did Miller have money riding on this war?

Miller makes a valid argument when he calls liberals "hippies," which is a term you really never hear in regards to liberal-minded people. But it wasn't until he called the liberal media "Bolsheviks" that his point really hit home. Isn't the media full of Bolsheviks, after all? Curse your wit, Miller.

Miller's second charge of liberals as "hippies" was somehow even funnier than the first. I think the more you repeat a witty quip like that, the funnier it gets. Miller should consider simply copying and pasting that word over and over again for his next column. That way, even actual hippies will probably start supporting the military.

When Miller went on to call liberals "peaceniks," I realized the pinnacle of column-writing had at last been reached. Who can argue with such a jibe? I give up, Miller, and so do the protesters.

Still, I think the masterstroke of Miller's column is his Martin Luther King Jr. quotation in the closing paragraph. As Miller no doubt knows, MLK would have really rallied behind this war. Some people might be under the impression King was a proponent of nonviolence, but that is a common misnomer. In reality, his favorite thing to do was call protesters of any kind a bunch of "peacenik hippies." That's why this MLK quotation in Miller's column makes so much sense.

Eric Karjala
English junior


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