Sunday, September 22, 2024

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Ads present often neglected viewpoint

As noted on our Web site (, in placing the ads our goal was to make sure opinions other than those of the anti-Israeli crowd could be heard on college campuses across America.

It is our belief that American college students are the newest targets of the Arab propaganda machine's disinformation campaign and are systematically being targeted for intimidation on college campuses. And, sadly, the response to our ads only proves our point: Our opponents have not debated the facts in the ads, rather, they have responded with obfuscation and name calling, equating any pro-Israeli fact or opinion with "racism."

We at are disturbed by the false accusations and untruths being told by many in the Arab world and perpetuated by the American and foreign media, such as the erroneously reported "massacre" in Jenin, Israel, and the ludicrous and heinous accusations of Jews using Arab blood to bake holiday pastries. Our response is designed to spur students to think through the issues and see the facts in their true context.

Case in point: our "Heroes" ad. Would you say that every American loves Michael Jordan? Of course not, but the majority do. Would you say that every Palestinian reveres suicide bombers? Of course not, but according to a survey done by the Palestinian Jerusalem Media and Communications Centre in June 2002, 68 percent approve of suicide bombings (down slightly from 74 percent in December 2002). Clearly these are not merely the sentiments of a "fringe" group, but, regretfully, the opinion of a significant majority of Palestinians.

Do all Palestinian children want to be suicide bombers? No - but, the "percentage of young Palestinians who want to be martyrs rose from 71 percent in 2001 to 79 percent last year" (according to Fadel Abu Heen, head of the Community Training and Crisis Management Center in the Gaza Strip who has conducted large-scale studies on children's attitudes toward martyrdom).

Are suicide bombings culturally sanctioned? Yes they are. The sources in the ad (,,, all cite the glorification of suicide bombers, the printing and distribution of thousands of posters of suicide bombers, naming schools after them, children collecting their photos on necklaces, etc.

In issues as sadly complex as the problems in the Middle East, there is always more than one side.

Unfortunately, the anti-Israeli side has responded to our ads with name calling, pressure tactics and attempts to stifle the debate. They don't want the facts aired. They know Americans do not respond favorably to people celebrating our misfortune on Sept. 11, 2001, or who systematically teach their children to hate. They don't deny the reality, instead they try to change the subject.

Please don't help them stifle the debate.

If all sides can't be heard, not only those opposed to Israel, but also those opposed to freedom of speech and democracy will have won.

Marcella Rosen
One Truth Foundation director


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