Sunday, September 22, 2024

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Tisk tax

Groups shouldn't ask for more in tough times, all need to share in burden of economic woes

In the spirit of campuswide referendums, two groups within the MSU community are coming forward to ask for small additions to the taxes imposed on student tuition bills. But the proposals are hard to swallow given the state of the economy.

MSU's student environmental group, Eco, wants Spartans to fork over $5 per semester to help the university purchase green energy, such as wind and solar power to create a more environmentally friendly form of power.

While Eco has a bright idea for MSU's future, now is not the time to ask the university to spend so much cash for such a luxury item. With the problems MSU and students are facing in the struggling economy, paying for a new form of power will only be a strain on those trying to obtain the fruits of higher education.

MSU already is a green-focused campus. And while it would make sense to have more green energy, the full potential of Eco's idea can only be completely utilized when the economy is strong enough to make the move.

In addition to the Eco tax, MSU's student government is looking for a funding increase. ASMSU leaders are searching for a balanced budget while serving the students of MSU without any unnecessary expenditures.

On Wednesday's ballot, voters will see that ASMSU would like a 75-cent increase to its current $13 per semester tax to improve such things as: promotional events, programming and wage increases to create a more competitive job market on campus.

The increase ASMSU is asking for is plain selfish in an economy where many other groups need assistance more than students need "free" blue books. We should not have to mention that the group only is looking at a $35 budget deficit while MSU and the state are faced with financial holes of millions and billions of greenbacks.

Students should make sure on Wednesday that they log onto and say, "No new taxes," to Eco and ASMSU.


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