Sunday, September 22, 2024

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Tax task

Impact's reasonable tax should be retained; RHA tax needs evaluation before a 'yes' vote

Taxes are inevitable on a student's tuition bill, but prior to voting March 19, the MSU community should take into account all aspects of the way money is handled by a group before casting a vote.

The Impact, WDBM (88.9-FM), which provides music to the university and also the Lansing area, has a purpose to ensure quality music and programming to its listeners for a mere $3 per semester and should receive our continued support.

Without commercial support to fund programming, the Impact's main source of incoming money to the radio station is through the taxes on students' tuition bills. The station has not asked for an increase in taxes since its first day on the air in 1989 and this year, it is making no exception.

The Impact gains respect because it is able to provide its services without commercial influence.

Having been voted by the Michigan Association of Broadcasters as the state's top college radio station for 2003 and in the past, it displays solid content with the ability to include student groups and interests in its broadcasts. We support a 'yes.'

The Residence Halls Association also is asking for support of MSU students. RHA is looking to retain its current $21 semesterly tax in order to provide students with Channel 12 movies, Wells Hall movies and recycling programs on campus.

Due to questionable handling of money by RHA in the past, students should be leery before clicking the yes box on their computer screens. Staff positions had a consistent turnover in the past because of scandals and money has mysteriously been lost due to problems within the RHA's financial system.

Due to these problems, the organization should only be supported when voters are confident in the program's ability to properly handle finances.

Another thing to keep in mind is with both of these groups' taxes, students always have the option to request a refund if the services provided are not services they utilize.

With little impact on students' wallets, the $3 tax for the Impact should be supported, but before the MSU community sustains the RHA, a capable system with the ability to properly use the resources paid by the students should be implemented.

The State News Editorial Board will address the ECO green energy tax and ASMSU tax increase votes Tuesday.


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