Sunday, September 22, 2024

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Smoking feature encouraged habit

I never thought I'd open up the paper that I so faithfully read every day at lunchtime to see step-by-step instructions for rolling my own cigarettes ("Lighting up" SN 3/26).

In addition to this helpful little "how-to" guide, I learned the facts behind buying cigarettes and also read a nice story about A.P. Kryza's personal smoking experiences ("Kicking the habit harder than it seems" SN 3/26).

Thanks, State News. I'm utterly disgusted with this piece on smoking. First of all, I can't believe a campus newspaper would promote a habit so nauseating, foul and detrimental to human health.

Devoting the front page of the MS&U section to the repulsive habit of smoking is great free advertising for cigarette companies and local stores such as Campbell's Smoke Shop. I am sure they are pleased with this article, but is The State News pleased with the impression they are making with this feature?

Secondly, I absolutely loved reading about Kryza's blood-filled lungs and sphincter smell. I also really appreciate how he promotes smoking as a good way to "pick up chicks" and that "girls look really hot smoking."

I happen to think I'm approachable and decent looking without a cancer stick hanging out of my mouth while I'm blowing carcinogenic fumes into other people's faces, my breath and clothes reeking of smoke.

Kourtney A. Kubacki
hospitality business freshman


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