Sunday, September 22, 2024

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Silent support

Whether anti-war or pro-war, students should assist U.S. troops abroad by donating blood

Showing silent support for the people affected by war and for the soldiers fighting for the liberation of the Iraqi people, students at MSU can help in a huge way to send aid to those affected by violence with donations of blood.

The American Red Cross held a blood drive Wednesday at the Union to give students the opportunity to help out those being affected by war without having to openly voice an opinion or stand amongst a group of protesters.

The Red Cross has a mission to provide aid to people affected by disasters of all sorts. Whether the people need blood or food, the Red Cross tries to assist in any way needed.

With the donations provided by MSU students, thousands of lives could possibly be saved.

"MSU has always been at the forefront when it comes to humanitarian efforts," MSU spokesman Terry Denbow said. "It's part of the culture here. We have an excellent track record. This community always comes together to support those in need."

The Red Cross is showing great efficiency by stockpiling blood prior to its demand. Having blood purified and ready for those in need will take away unneeded stress in a time with already too much pressure and worry.

Unlike the events of Sept. 11, the United States is preparing itself for the worst allowing a sense of ease with having enough blood to back up the travesties of war.

It does not matter what a person's stance is on war. If strong opposition is felt to the war, blood donation is a way to provide a means to save the lives of either the victims of war or the American soldiers who are fighting.

With very few established requirements for those donating blood, this is a quick and silent way to support the lives of human beings in a peaceful way without yelling, fighting or vandalizing.


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