Sunday, September 22, 2024

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Safety first

'U' Pavillion's reputation for safety was sadly tarnished when a horse went out of control

A few spurs were jostled when a horse at the Michigan Horse Council's Horse Expo 2003 got out of control and went on a rampage, injuring two people. But when the dust settled in the Pavilion for Agriculture and Livestock Education, the show's reputation for safety was none the worse off.

A horse at the expo was spooked and went on a four-minute rampage.

During the incident, a 45-year-old woman who volunteered at the expo suffered injuries. She was bitten on the wrist and trampled.

A 58-year-old man who was the horse's owner and handler was trampled when he tried to gain control of the horse.

Both victims were taken to the hospital.

This incident was the first injury sustained by participants in the event's 20-year history.

Jean Ligon, volunteer coordinator for the expo, said that this reaction was contrary to the nature of the horses brought to the expo.

"They are normally well-broken, gentle horses that come here," Ligon said.

It's a shame that a event with a 20-year history for safety has to have its run spoiled by this incident. The expo should be applauded for its dedication to safety.

This incident, however, goes to show that no matter how well we train an animal, unpredictability is a part of its nature.

It might be a good idea to have an ambulance posted at these events in case such an incident should occur. This sort of practice is common at rodeos.

The demeanor of an animal dealt with at a horse expo is different from that of a rodeo.

But when dealing with any beast that weighs hundreds of pounds and has the mobility to outpace a human, one has to be prepared for anything.

The expo has done a fine job up until now dealing with safety. Let this incident be a reminder of the fact that they are still handling a potentially dangerous animal.


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