Sunday, September 22, 2024

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Racism is severe against blacks

Nonminorities might face racism now and then, but it is nowhere near the severity of the treatment minorities face every day from teachers, bosses, co-workers and classmates. In the case of African Americans, no other ethnic group has faced the persecution and hatred they have. I will say the treatment of Native Americans is comparable, but now they are glorified as a hurt and wronged people.

African Americans have never enjoyed such a luxury. We are still made fun of and mistreated simply based upon our appearance. Our ancestors were brought to this country against their will and only the strongest survived. We even face persecution by native Africans. To the rest of the world, we are often depicted only as gangsters, drug dealers, pro athletes, womanizers or prostitutes.

No other minority in this country faces what African Americans do on a daily basis. As for African-American females, they are often mistreated by not only men, but other groups of women as well, even women of other minority groups. They are looked upon as a potential good time or amusement. Many people say African-American women are the angriest people they ever met. Those people are correct, and those women should be angry.

So I propose this: Create a White Caucus. We should earnestly explore why the mistreatment of minorities still exists. If everyone knows racism is wrong, then why does it go on? So whites should gather together and talk just as minorities do. Do it for the purpose of making life better for all.

Just so you all know, no group on campus can exclude whites simply because of their skin color. To those who sent in letters, go to those meetings and find out why Magan Butler-Coleman feels the way she does ("Nonminorities are not racism victims," SN 2/27).

Etienne Fields
Lansing Community College student


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