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Protests disrespect government, troops

Protesters do not understand the meaning of peace. I can't understand how protesters can protest for peace when protesting is not a peaceful act.

I understand many oppose the war because the loss of life, or that it might be against the U.N. policy, or that the rest of the world might not support us. I understand there are many reasons why Americans are opposing this war.

There are many ways that Americans can help promote peace in America and the rest of the world. Instead of screaming, pray. Instead of holding signs, hold your children. Instead of becoming violent, donate blood to your local Red Cross. Be true advocates for peace.

Americans are entitled to their First Amendment right of freedom of speech, but remember that the U.S. government and military work to let us keep our rights. Respect our government, country and, most importantly, our troops.

Patricia V. Griffith
Lansing resident


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