Sunday, September 22, 2024

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Missing integrity

'U' becomes victim when federal research funds are abused by former employee

As federal investigators try to convict an MSU researcher for the alleged disappearance of a pig bacteria, the reputation of the university is getting dragged through the mud.

"It's a tragedy," said Bob Huggett, vice president for research and graduate studies at MSU. "This is the worst nightmare that researchers could have."

Hugget nails the issue. MSU, a university acclaimed for its research, has taken a serious blow to its name.

Last fall, the FBI and police started an investigation into the disappearance of notebooks, computer disks and a sample of actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae - a deadly bacteria that causes pneumonia-like symptoms in pigs.

An unnamed researcher is suspected of the theft.

Investigations concluded the "missing" bacteria never existed, as the research to make the vaccine had been fraudulent.

Investigations also discovered the $650,000 federal grant the researcher was given to find a vaccine for the bacteria was not completely spent. An undetermined amount is unaccounted for.

This sort of crime crushes the university's good name in the scientific world. If we can't provide evidence that we have researchers who can be trusted at this university, federal money will not be given to conduct research.

This especially hurts professors who need federal money for their work. Because one person mishandled his or her research money, everyone will have to suffer.

In the broader scope, it affects the university's ability to sell itself. Part of what the university does to attract students and faculty is list the discovery accolades of its research program.

Stolen research and missing bacteria don't exactly sit well on the list.

The university is in a public relations nightmare. It hasn't done its part in bringing in reliable people to handle such an important job. When hundreds of thousands of dollars and deadly bacteria are being thrown around, you'd think someone could be hired to look over these researchers' shoulders.


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