Sunday, September 22, 2024

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Election idiocy

Punishing ASMSU candidates for unsolicited endorsements just damages the organization

ASMSU has taken themselves too seriously once again with its disqualification of 45 students from its recent election. The organization needs to realize what a ridiculous decision it has made taking away the chance to become involved with MSU activities from interested individuals.

The university is facing some major issues with the possibility of university cuts and a tuition increase and about 60 students who were interested in helping face these problems decided to run for seats on ASMSU, MSU's undergraduate student government.

Instead of being welcomed to the group, a bulk of the students were disqualified from further involvement with the organization because of unauthorized political endorsements.

The ASMSU election codes state any campaign material must be approved prior to the endorsements being presented on campus.

Both the MSU College, Republicans and Democrats who supported candidates which they thought would be good for the position and deny being involved with anything that goes against the ASMSU codes.

MSU College Republicans Chairman Jason Miller, a State News columnist, said the code did not state the candidates would be disqualified because of endorsements.

ASMSU is turning such a trivial topic into something major and making itself look bad.

With future elections the group needs to modify its rules to present important information in a clearer way.

It is a shame students who care enough to run to help are being turned away.

Worse, they are being turned away on minor technicalities and accusations of unauthorized election paraphernalia.

If campus groups are willing to endorse these candidates, they would obviously be welcome additions to the student government.

ASMSU, start worrying about the important things and welcome new individuals into your organization who can help make the group and MSU better.


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