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Column criticizing Bush was excellent

John Bice's column pointing out the reality of Bush's presidency was great ("First impression of Bush apparently off target" SN 3/25). William Perod's letter, on the other hand, made me sick ("Columnist's choice of discussion awful" SN 3/26).

Calling the article "whiny" and "unpatriotic" was way off base. What's funny is that Perod, for the most part, was not questioning the truth of the article. That's because he can't.

It is not unpatriotic to enlighten people with the facts of what the Bush administration has done. You don't have to like Bush to love America and you don't have to support Bush to support our troops. What would be unpatriotic would be to stand by silently as Bush pollutes and destroys our national treasures.

The last time environmentalists stopped their protest of Bush, following the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, he exploited their kindness by taking an ax to many environmental regulations. So are we just supposed to stand by and watch Bush do it again? Should we be silent while Bush gets re-elected and continues his atrocious presidency? The answer is no.

I find it to be my patriotic duty to make sure no one forgets the appalling acts of his administration and to help make sure he doesn't get the chance to continue his deplorable reign in 2004. Thank you Bice, for enlightening many people.

Steve Lamson
packaging senior


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