Sunday, September 22, 2024

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Advertisements are often one-sided

It is difficult for me to understand how the advertisements are racist against Palestinians - to me they seem to be against terrorism and hate. The beauty of the United States is the student groups that feel the ads are "one-sided" are free to buy its own space in a newspaper to advocate its point of view, write letters to the editor or author its own articles, such as "Jihad needs to be clarified to U.S. public" (SN 2/27).

It is interesting that when "Palestinian Awareness Week" was held - complete with mock refugee camps and anti-Semitic speakers - these same groups did not protest. It is also interesting to note pro-Israel students did not attempt to prevent these students from expressing their views.

Apparently free speech is not a two-way street. Apologizing or censoring speech runs counter to the principles this country is built on.

Marilyn Bennett
international relations junior


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