Sunday, September 22, 2024

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'U' band deserves courtside seats

I would like to reply to the letter by Joe Stein, "Band belongs in the corner of Breslin" (SN 3/10).

If you had half the commitment the MSU band students have you would not be posting such an idiotic remark. Those band students give up a good deal of their time to show their support of their favorite team.

Remember, they play for the hockey and women's basketball teams, as well as the men's, and any other event that may warrant them. They have some very strict rules as to how they can behave and what they can say.

I guess your next suggestion will be to move the marching band up into Section 108 so there will be more revenue. That band has been there playing all of these years, well before the Izzone became the outstanding student section it is today.

Often it is the band who encourages the fans to cheer on the beloved Spartans when things are not going so well. And it has been proven the closer you have your band to your student section the more they feed off each other. And you call yourself a marketing major.

Susan Sano
Brighton resident and MSU parent


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