Saturday, September 21, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!

We've got mail :)

With MSU implementing a new e-mail system, headaches from TWIG, Telnet are in the past

Sticks and stones may break your bones, but TWIG will never harm you again. That's right, MSU's notoriously slow e-mail systems, TWIG and Telnet access, are about to take the long walk.

For years, TWIG and Telnet access have been tripping students up, inconveniently keeping them from e-mails from professors and the university.

But that's all about to change.

As TWIG and Telnet access are sent out to greener pastures (back behind the fields off Mount Hope Road and Farm Lane somewhere), MSU will be introducing a new e-mail Web site.

The Web site was supposed to launch last Wednesday but was delayed due to a glitch.

The university plans to have the glitch fixed and release the new e-mail system before spring break.

This is good news for students, who with the new system can finally open up e-mails faster without worrying about skipping over important information.

In the past, professors have complained students don't check their e-mails and aren't prepared for class because TWIG and Telnet access are inconvenient.

This new e-mail system will improve the lifestyle of students and give them an overall feeling of confidence in the university and its computer policies. After all, MSU requires students to bring a computer to school with them for class.

Props have to be given to the technology people for improving on TWIG and Telnet access. While it was great while it lasted, students and the rest of the university have suffered long enough with their inadequacies.

For too long MSU floundered in the Stone Age when it came to the e-mail system while other universities sprinted by us. With the new Web site, we'll be stepping into that place known as "the future."

As they say in the Philips Electronics commercials, "It's getting better all the time."

Now we'll all get in line for our flying cars


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