Sunday, September 22, 2024

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Shady source

Internet use is up, but the untrustworthy source of information shouldn't be taken at face value

MSU Internet use has been increasing with 1.817 billion megabytes of Internet traffic used last year compared to 38 million megabytes used in the 1997-98 fiscal year. But a University of California at Los Angeles survey concluded 53 percent of users in 2002 believe what they read online - a 5-percent decline from 2001.

Not only are MSU students using the Internet for research, but it is used for instant message chatting, e-mailing and downloading songs and movies. Rather than making a trip to the library to research, it is much easier to browse for it online when students have a computer at their fingertips.

Yet, the Internet should not be perceived as an absolute trustworthy source. Similar to television, people should not believe everything they see or hear. But unlike television, no one is regulating what is allowed on the screen. It is incredible how na


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