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Race definitely equals hardship

This letter comes in response to Marc Stemmer's letter, "Race doesn't equal hardship growing up," (SN 2/10).

Normally I dismiss students' opinions in The State News, especially when they discuss the topic of affirmative action. For the most part, misinformed individuals with a biased viewpoint and understanding of the subject make uneducated and inconclusive comments about this topic. Such is the case when I read Stemmer's letter.

How can race not equal hardship growing up? Is an African-American male, or any minority for that matter, from the inner city - not the ghetto as you so eloquently put it - afforded the same opportunity as everyone else? In a utopian color-blind society, yes. But this is America.

Need I remind you that because of our (African Americans') "generic characteristic," my great grandfather was enslaved, my grandfather deprived of purchasing a home, my father discriminated against at the workplace and myself the victim of racial profiling no matter how far I climb up the economic ladder.

Are these not hardships based on race?

Mike Wilder
social relations senior


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