Sunday, September 22, 2024

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Policy must include gender identity

I am writing to voice my frustration with the continued discrimination at MSU.

Currently, any student, faculty or staff member can be discriminated against because of one's real or perceived gender. That's why it's crucial every member of MSU's community supports the push to include gender identity in MSU's anti-discrimination policy.

The policy currently includes gender, but gender is narrowly interpreted to only apply to biological sex. Unfortunately this means anyone who does not fit into traditional gender stereotypes can be denied employment or protection from harassment simply because they do not fit into societal norms. This affects everyone because even those who do not identify as transgender defy gender stereotypes at some point.

This Tuesday, Academic Council, one of this university's highest governing bodies, will be presented with an opportunity to expand the definition of gender in the anti-discrimination policy to include gender identity and presentation. I encourage every member of the council to vote in favor of this change and continue to uphold MSU's commitment to anti-discrimination.

Natalie Furrow
Alliance of Lesbian-Bi-Gay-Transgendered Straight Ally Students chairperson


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