Sunday, September 22, 2024

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Noise is golden

Student commission should vocally represent 'U' in ongoing battle over E.L. noise concerns

The East Lansing City Council should not turn a deaf ear to students who always seem to be the target of noise violations.

The University Student Commission presented the concerns it has with noise recommendations, including isolating certain parts of the city and profiling students and property, at Tuesday's council meeting.

Other major concerns include keeping a list of repeat noise offenders, which could affect property and future renters. Another concern is the possibility that city attorneys and other city councils work together on violation policies. This unity would violate the idea of separation of powers.

The commission worries areas designated as quiet zones will isolate students from permanent residents.

Students should be able to celebrate and enjoy the college experience for what it is worth, and constant blame for noise violations doesn't give students that chance.

It's time students stepped up and took the responsibility to be professional as well as properly represent themselves to the city council.

Some recommendations already in effect include a development of a community standards handbook to be presented to students each year. Also, a Responsible Landlord Council has been instituted.

Council members should remember to take students seriously. Obviously this group cares enough to fight this problem.

Noise violations are not just a student problem - they're a city problem.

This is a problem that has a history and will continue to be a problem as long as there are students here.

As long as we are represented properly, students should not be a consistent target of noise violations. Students and council members should be able to work together to come to a solution that doesn't profile and segregate students.

Worries about isolating students from city services are valid, but students should be allowed to enjoy the college atmosphere, since that is what we're here for.


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