Sunday, September 22, 2024

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Left behind

Although Whitmer claims to champion higher education, she went along with harmful order

Yes, it was a no-win scenario. Yes, trivial arguments over altering cuts by decimal points wouldn't really help much. Yes, everyone must stand up and suffer together when deep cuts need to be made. But that doesn't excuse state Rep. Gretchen Whitmer.

The East Lansing Democrat, whose district includes MSU, is supposed to be a champion for higher education appropriations given her committee positions. She ran for re-election in November on that very premise.

But it was Whitmer on Wednesday who motioned for the state House to accept Gov. Jennifer Granholm's executive order to slash $158 million from Michigan's budget. Those cuts included a 1.5-percent reduction in state university appropriations.

It is Whitmer's duty to be the thorn in the side of state government officials who want to slash spending for one of her district's most important institutions. She should help to squeeze every possible dollar out of the Legislature for one of her district's largest employers, MSU.

Whatever Whitmer does, she should not lead the charge for cuts to what she says is one of her district's most precious resources. She should have left the motion to approve the governor's order up to one of her colleagues if she had no plans to speak up against it.

We are pleased, however, that Whitmer urged students at Tuesday's ASMSU Academic Assembly meeting to testify before the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Higher Education.

It's nice of her to encourage her constituents to become involved in their government, even if they might not be voting members of her district thanks to Congressman Mike Rogers, R-Brighton, who led the charge to change Michigan voting laws while he was in the state Senate. But it would also behoove Whitmer to actively solicit opinions from her constituents and not just ask for feedback.

The voters of the 69th District hired Whitmer in November to be their workhorse in the state House. We expect results, or at least evidence of her attempts.

We understand that Michigan's economic situation tied Whitmer's hands, along with her fellow lawmakers'. Legislators can't compromise what doesn't exist - in this case, money.

But that doesn't excuse Whitmer's actions on Wednesday.

She should fight to the last second for the things she promised to fight for while campaigning.

And if the reality is that she cannot win then that is fine. That is life.

But the one thing that she should not do is pull a Benedict Arnold and lead the charge for the cause she once fought against.

Fight the right fight, Whitmer, not the fight you know will triumph. There's no honor in that. And perhaps, more horrifying, no hopes at re-election, if such actions turn common.

We want a fighter to represent us, not a pawn.


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