Sunday, September 22, 2024

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Flag freedom

We might not agree with turning away from the flag, but we defend the right to do it

It's just a flag, but Manhattanville College women's basketball player Toni Smith hangs on a political crucifix because she doesn't worship symbols.

Smith, in subtle protest, turns away from the American flag during "The Star-Spangled Banner."

This simple action went unnoticed for months in Manhattanville before it came to the nation's attention.

People being the politically sensitive vultures they are, came down on Smith calling her a "disgrace" at games. A Vietnam veteran even went so far as to go on the court and wave a flag in her face.

All this in the land of the free.

Smith, who never meant to try and make a public statement, said she turns away out of "self-respect" and "conscience." In her statement she cited her stance came from the present situation with Iraq and financial inequalities in the United States.

Smith respectfully made mention that her protests are in no way an attack on war veterans. She even said she supports them.

To many, the flag might stand for people who have died for this country, but to Smith it means something different.

While Smith has her reasons for turning away that we can and can't agree with, the point is she should have the opportunity to express these reasons. We would proudly stand next to Smith facing either direction.

No one has to agree with her. The people in the crowd who yell insults at her are entitled to their opinions, although their tact is questionable.

The spirit of this country is not about just a flag. It also includes everyone who destroys and rejects the flag.

It's the fact that people are allowed to exercise their right to show such disdain that makes this country beautiful.

When flag burners are celebrated alongside Vietnam veterans, we will truly be able to sing a song about a land of the free.


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